
About Us


~Tirubaa Technologies Pvt. Ltd. is an incubatee company of Science & Technology Park (a joint initiative of Dept. Of Science & Technology, Govt. Of India).

~ Tirubaa Technologies is on a deeply social mission of improving the lives of millions of people at the bottom of the pyramid across the globe by providing them with world class digital interactive educational solutions at an extremely affordable price using cloud technology in conjunction with green technology.

~ Our R & D team has designed a revolutionary 21st century augmented reality based digital interactive systems for employable & skillable education, VET, healthcare and telemedicine and agro education.As a responsible corporate denizen of the world, Tirubaa Technologies remains committed to preserving the earths resources. Our endeavours are to promulgate world class education in the remotest part of the globe by using green technology that enables all our education disseminating devices to work on solar or wind energy.

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Shri. Milind Kshirsagar

Milind Kshirsagar, born & brought up in Pune - Commerce Graduate and proud to be an alumni of BMCC & Symbiosis Institute of Business Management, Pune. Learning’s from these colleges have made him to “Dream Big - Think Big –Think Fast and Think better – Serve the BEST to the Society – Pursue your goals even in the face of difficulties and convert adversities into Opportunities”
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