
That Time Of The Month

Course Index

  • Description

    Let us make more and more women aware of the importance of menstrual hygiene for a better life. Menstrual hygiene should be taught to every girl so that she can have a smooth and healthy life during menstruation and otherwise.
  • Course Languages

    English, हिंदी, मराठी
  • Price : Rs. 2 Buy Course

Course Index

    • 05:09
      1.1 Introduction
      Words related to Mensturation,what is mensturation
    • 05:24
      1.2 Building the Basics
      Definition, Commomn Myth, Nine simple steps.
    • 04:40
      1.3 Understanding the Purpose
      Prepare body for preganancy, Importance of reproduction, Role of women.
    • 07:47
      1.4 Female Reproductive System
      Discussing the Male and Female Anatomy, talking about differences between boys and girls
    • 06:37
      1.5 What is Puberty?
      Definition of Puberty, Physical and Emotional Changes that occur in boys and girls.
    • 02:24
      1.6 Summary
      Module 1 Summary
    • Quiz : Module 1 - Getting to Know
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    • 03:59
      2.1 Overview
      Break down the menstrual cycle into its key phases: menstrual, follicular, ovulation, and luteal. Describe how these phases are controlled by hormones like estrogen and progesterone. Mention the average length of the menstrual cycle and its variations.
    • 06:16
      2.2 Phases of Menstrual Cycle
      Detail each phase of the menstrual cycle, explaining the changes that occur in the ovaries and uterus. Highlight the specific events in each phase, such as the release of an egg during ovulation.
    • 08:59
      2.3 Hormones and their Roles
      Introduce key hormones involved in the menstrual cycle (estrogen, progesterone, luteinizing hormone, follicle-stimulating hormone). Explain how these hormones regulate the menstrual cycle and influence bodily changes.
    • 04:58
      2.4 Average Length and Variations in Menstrual Cycle
      Discuss the typical duration of the menstrual cycle (around 28 days). Mention that cycles can vary, sometimes lasting shorter or longer than average. Emphasize that variations are normal and influenced by factors like genetics, health, and stress.
    • 04:10
      2.5 Summary
      Module 2 Summary
    • Quiz : Module 2 - What is Menstrual Cycle?
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    • 05:17
      3.1 Uterine Lining and it's Role
      Describe the uterine lining and its importance in pregnancy. Explain how the lining thickens to support a potential embryo
    • 05:23
      3.2 Menstrual Flow and its Components
      Break down the menstrual flow into blood, tissue, and other substances. Explain that the flow consists of the uterine lining that's no longer needed.
    • 05:11
      3.3 Menstrual Bleeding : Normal Range and Duration
      Provide a typical range for menstrual bleeding (2 to 7 days). Address the average amount of blood lost during a period. Mention when it might be necessary to consult a healthcare provider (e.g., extremely heavy bleeding). Colour of blood and its meaning
    • 04:12
      3.4 Types of Discharges
      Address the different types of discharges - Blood, White, Gray. Explain why it happens. Explain which is healthy and unhealthy.
    • 02:16
      3.5 Summary
      Module 3 Summary
    • Quiz : Module 3 - What Happens During Menstruation?
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    • 07:34
      4.1 Choosing the Right Menstrual Products
      Explain the various options available: sanitary pads, tampons, menstrual cups. Highlight the benefits and considerations for each product type. Mention the importance of selecting a product that suits your comfort and lifestyle.
    • 04:33
      4.2 How to Properly Use Menstrual Products
      Provide step-by-step instructions for correctly using pads, tampons, and menstrual cups. Emphasize the importance of changing products regularly to maintain hygiene.
    • 11:16
      4.3 Tips for Maintaining Good Menstrual Hygiene
      Offer hygiene tips, such as changing products every 4 to 6 hours, washing hands before and after handling products, and avoiding scented products.
    • 05:01
      4.4 Discarding Menstrual Waste
      Introduce Sanitary Pad Dispenser and Burner. Discarding at home/public Spaces/effects of environment and animals
    • 03:33
      4.5 Summary
      Module 4 Summary
    • Quiz : Module 4 - Managing Menstrual Hygiene
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    • 05:59
      5.1 Understanding Menstrual Cramps
      Explain the common phenomenon of menstrual cramps (dysmenorrhea). Describe the causes and factors contributing to cramps.
    • 08:23
      5.2 Strategies for Managing Menstrual Discomfort
      Offer practical tips for managing cramps, such as using heating pads, taking over-the-counter pain relievers, and practicing relaxation techniques like deep breathing or yoga.
    • 06:34
      5.3 Seeking Professional Help for Severe Symptoms
      Mention that while mild discomfort is common, severe pain or unusual symptoms might warrant a visit to a healthcare professional. Encourage seeking medical advice if cramps significantly interfere with daily activities. Regular Gynaecologist visits. Misuse of painkiller side-effects
    • 06:58
      5.4 Home-Care
      Discuss home-remedies for Menstrual cramps. Foods that aid menstruation and foods to avoid. Talk about cravings and managing cravings through healthy food
    • 03:45
      5.5 Summary
      Module 5 Summary
    • Quiz : Module 5 - Addressing Discomfort and Pain
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    • 04:57
      6.1 Emotional Changes During the Menstrual Cycle
      Discuss the emotional changes that some girls and women experience during their menstrual cycle, often known as mood swings.
    • 07:31
      6.2 PMS (Premenstrual Syndrome) Explained
      Define PMS and describe the range of emotional and physical symptoms associated with it. Address the fact that not all girls experience PMS.
    • 14:32
      6.3 Promoting Emotional Well-being During Menstruation
      Suggest strategies for managing emotional changes, such as practicing self-care, engaging in relaxing activities, and seeking support from friends and family.
    • 19:04
      6.4 Basic Exercises and Yoga to aid
      Share yoga poses and exercises that can be done during menstruation to feel at ease and during other days of the month for a healthy, happy period.
    • 05:18
      6.5 Summary
      Module 6 Summary
    • Quiz : Module 6 - Emotional and Physiological Aspects
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    • 10:16
      7.1 Common Myths and Their Origins
      List and explain some common misconceptions about menstruation, such as not being able to swim during periods or periods being dirty. Not going to temples or working in kitchen
    • 06:18
      7.2 Celebrating Menstruation
      Talk about Rituals in different parts of India where the First Period of a Girl is celebrated with great enthusiasm
    • 06:18
      7.3 Menstruation and Mythology
      Story of Kamakhya Devi Temple in Assam and celebrating Navratri - the power of women
    • 04:10
      7.4 Case-Studies
      Talk about how few fathers/brothers have broken ageold stereotypes and educated their girls. Bring real stories of good men to forefront
    • 03:58
      7.5 Summary
      Module 7 Summary
    • Quiz : Module 7 - Menstrual Myths and Misconceptions and Cultural Significance
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    • 14:45
      8.1 Taking Care of Your Body
      How to keep one-self clean. Cleaning Private Parts. Personal Hygiene Products. Importance of clean environment. Clean Body, Clean Mind
    • 08:03
      8.2 Changes in Clothing
      Importance of right undergarments during menstruation. Using cotton panty. Introduce Disposable Panties. Basics on Bras and Bralets.
    • 05:34
      8.3 Blood Leaks and Cleaning
      How to wash your undergarment. How to clean blood stains on pants or bed sheets.
    • 05:20
      8.4 Period Travel Kit
      What should your Period Kit contain? Essentials and how to carry them
    • 03:25
      8.5 Summary
      Module 8 Summary
    • Quiz : Module 8 - Personal Hygiene
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    • 04:09
      9.1 Preparation for your first Period
      Know the Signs, Get Mentally Prepared. Keep Essentials Ready
    • 04:13
      9.2 Open Conversations about Periods
      Talking about it freely with teachers. How to talk to brothers and fathers about menstruation. Why are open conversations important
    • 07:16
      9.3 Growing up as Healthy and Confident Girls
      How to respond to bullies. Importance of healthy body. How can Confidence change a girl's life
    • 03:10
      9.4 Menstruation Anthem
      Rap song to create awareness about Menstruation

Frequently Asked Questions

Menstruation is the process in which the uterus sheds blood and tissue through the vagina. This is a natural and healthy process for girls and women of reproductive age.

Menstruation is part of the menstrual cycle – a cycle of biological changes that take place in a woman or girl’s reproductive system to prepare her body for a potential pregnancy. The changes are triggered by hormones, which are natural chemicals in the body. This cycle begins when a girl reaches puberty and continues until she reaches the end of her fertility (also known as menopause, at which time menstrual cycles end).

The menstrual cycle is roughly 28 days long, but it can be shorter or longer. It begins with menstruation (considered day 1 of the cycle). Menstruation is the shedding of the lining of the uterus and the remnants of the unfertilized egg. It continues with an increase in the hormone estrogen, and the lining of the uterus becomes thick and spongy again (typically days 6-8). An egg is released from one of the ovaries, called “ovulation” (around day 14, but this can vary), then the egg moves through the fallopian tube towards the uterus (typically day 15-24). If the egg is not fertilized, it will not be implanted in the uterine wall but instead fall apart, and hormone levels such as estrogen and progesterone, will drop. This process is followed by the start of a new cycle.

Menstruation is often different from person to person, and even one person can experience very different periods over their lifetime. This is often healthy and normal. But when menstruation prevents people from engaging in regular activities, medical attention is required. Unfortunately, lack of attention to, and education about, menstruation means that many women and girls suffer for years without receiving care.

Most people who menstruate experience some physical or emotional discomfort known as premenstrual syndrome (PMS) about a week before or during the first few days of their menstrual periods. PMS manifests differently in different people and may vary between menstruation cycles. The most common symptoms during PMS include changes in appetite, backaches, acne, bloating, headaches, depression, feelings of sadness, tension or anxiety, irritability, sweating, tender breasts, water retention, constipation or diarrhea, trouble concentrating, insomnia and tiredness. For some, these symptoms can be so severe that they miss work or school, while others are not bothered.

Menstrual irregularities can result from a myriad of factors. Hormonal imbalances, stress, excessive exercise, certain medical conditions (such as polycystic ovary syndrome or thyroid disorders), and fluctuations in weight can all contribute to irregular menstrual cycles.

Period cramps, scientifically known as dysmenorrhea, can be alleviated through various methods. Applying heat to the lower abdomen, engaging in regular physical activity, taking over-the-counter pain relievers, and practicing relaxation techniques like deep breathing can help manage cramps. Additionally, maintaining a healthy lifestyle, including a balanced diet and sufficient hydration, may contribute to overall menstrual well-being.

Menstruation stops during pregnancy due to the physiological changes in the body and resumes after childbirth. However, it permanently ceases during menopause, which typically occurs in a woman’s late 40s or early 50s. However, it’s essential to note that women’s experiences may differ.